M P Birla Planetarium
We care about visitors
Astro Corner
A souvenir shop from where one can collect memorabilia of their visit to the place along with different astronomical related items which are available along with educative CDs and books for those interested for further exploration of the subject. Small caliber telescopes are also sold from this outlet.
Exhibition Gallery
An educative gallery where visitors get to know more on our universe and common questions in ones mind through the vivid backlit pictures and video presentation. Several interactive exhibits are also there where one can explore more and get to test their knowledge of astronomy.
Seminar Hall
A state-of-the-art seminar hall equipped with interactive board and audio system where seminars and classes are regularly held as part of our initiative to popularize astronomy among those interested.
This facility is also available on rent for other organizations and groups for seminars and meetings. Detail of the same is available on call.
Class Room
A fully equipped classroom with all modern facilities for lectures and demonstrations